Hey team and anyone else reading this blog! I am currently in Guatemala City for some pre-trip planning and have been reminded of the great work that the Lord is already doing in this country. This reminder actually started happening as the Delta 747 that I flew in on swooped (it literally swooped so everyone get ready for a roller coaster type landing) down through the clouds revealing make-shift housing littering the steep rocky brown mountains and the newer shiny metal shacks built almost on top of each other around La Aurora Airport. Then, I remembered reading James 2 (which I read again this morning) where the writer talks about not showing favoritism to anyone because of their wealth or lack thereof. But buried in this chapter I "found" this..."Listen my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which He promised to those who Love Him?"
2 of the gazillion things that I see in this one verse from James:
1. First, the obvious...God chose the poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom.
The faith of the poorest people in this world should be the faith that we all strive to have!
2. The not so obvious...God chose the poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom.
God chose them because they represent what God desires for all of creation...dependence on Him! The poorest of the poor only have one choice which is to be dependent on something or somebody. There is no other choice...as they have no earthly possessions, sometimes no family, and sometimes not even life-sustaining essentials. But, THEY HAVE THE LORD and He is enough for them. Is He enough for you and me?
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