Day 5 and 6, July 2nd and 3rd
These past two days were tough and wonderful at the same time. They were tough because we knew that our week was coming to a close and our time with the people in Guatemala was limited. On the other hand, they were both days filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we finished 5 more houses for the people in the dump.
After we finish each house, we pray for the family that lives there and each time you can see the appreciation and joy in their hearts after receiving a brand new remodeled home A few families were in tears! This past week we have seen 12 new remodeled homes for the people in Guatemala that will provide shelter for about 50+ people, and after the last two days we did not want to come home because of the houses we had seen that were still in need of roofs, walls, doors, and etc. There is still so much more work that needs to be done in the dump which makes our time here seem too short.
Wednesday evening we had time together with Pastor Saul and some of the families we had built houses for, and our time consisted of more prayer and gratification. For some reason the way that these people pray for us stirs up emotion that grips your heart. Every time we gather with them to pray, they desire to pray for us, and without understanding the words, you can feel the presence of the Lord in their words of appreciation and thankfulness. It's an overwhelming experience to be prayed for like that on a mission trip again and again. Their prayers magnify their hearts and how thankful they are for their new homes and for our group who followed a call to do what the Lord desired. I don't know if there were any salvations this year, but we most certainly know that the Lord is using and will use our time down here to change lives! The feeling of serving in this country has been more than humbling and places us down on one knee before the Lord as we return to the U.S. as servants of the King.
Thursday morning we went and finished our last homes of the week and began to clean up and clear out of the dump in Guatemala. Before we left the dump and departed to head to lunch, our group, Pastor Saul, Darwin and Ingrid gathered to pray once more for the people there. We have prayed for each family and the people here multiple times every day, but it still feels like we can do more, give more and pray more for them. Our interpreter, Ingrid, prayed and tears came to our eyes as she has a heart for us and the people in the dump. If I could bring some of these people back home to Georgia I would. They are more of an encouragement to us than we are to them. It's funny how the Lord can do that with people like us on a trip because He knows what it is we need to see or hear so that we can further glorify His name.
I want to thank everyone who made this trip possible: families for letting their husband go for a week, Lakewood for partnering with Pastor Saul and making this opportunity possible, and the men and women on this trip for following a call and serving with their hands and feet.
In Christ, Mark Thomas