Friday, June 7, 2013

Our last full day in Guatemala!

How awesome has it been for us to fellowship with each other today!! God has just been so so so good to us all!!! I am so thankful that God called me to go to Guatemala and serve! This was my first mission trip and I couldn't have asked to be on it with a more awesome group of people! They have a heart for The Lord and for His people!
I was thinking back today about the whole week and about the children we meet in the Hospicio, in particular Maria Fernanda, about the children we meet in the clinic, especially Edgar and Ashley, and about the 2 best friends we meet at the clinic, Segunda and Veronica.... and as I thought about them I couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly blessed to even have had the honor of meeting such strong and loving and sometimes hurting people. They encouraged me to remember all that I have been given and that gave me hope! Every time I go to complain about what I have to eat or wear, I pray to God that I would remember greatly those women and children!!! My heart can't express the love I have for them enough and how they have touched my life.

I also want to say that without this strong group of women here with me as my family, I may have not made it well emotionally. It's so good for me to be able to say these women love and they love hard! I have been utterly blessed by knowing, serving, learning and teaching with them.

Most importantly, I want to thank The Lord God Almighty who has done much work within my heart this week and has held me, comforted me, touched me and even surprised me! I thank God for the opportunity and the ability to be able to come here and serve and be blessed by Him. Word can't describe the awesomeness of Him!!!
Carla Wilson

Last Day of Serving

Today was the last day of our medical clinic and Bible study. We have seen over 200 patients in the clinic this week. They received love from the time they walked in the door. There were snacks and juice, and even massages, in the waiting area. The children lined up to receive toys while they waited. After they received their medical care and medications came the best part of all...every one of them went to one of our prayer rooms where they could share their heart and receive individualized prayer. Some were lead to the Lord for the first time, many received comfort and encouragement or a specific word from the Lord. We even had one baby dedication this week! They may have come in to be treated for infections, but they left with a lifted spirit as well.

Close to 80 women took part in our afternoon Bible study, where there was also child care for their 100+ children. From 2 to 5 every afternoon, Pastor Saul's church has been overflowing
with life! Lynn has done a wonderful job of leading the large group study each day. We also spent about an hour in our small groups, which were each named for one of the pieces of the Armor of God. My group was the "Sword of the Spirit," which is "Las Espadas" in Spanish. For our last day today my co-leader, Carla, made swords out of balloons. It was hilarious watching all those adult women playing with balloons in class! They giggled and laughed like they didn't have a care in the world. The study this week was titled "Living Victoriously in Difficult Times." I think most of the ladies in my group could have written that book themselves. It's bad enough that they have to deal with living in a landfill every day, but in addition many have lost children or spouses who were murdered, they have been raped or physically abused, face near starvation and malnutrition daily, and a multitude of other tribulations. They know what it means to wake up each day and lean on God rather than their own strength.

As the day came to an end, the tears overflowed from all of us. The ladies kept coming up to bring us little handmade gifts or "regalitos" and thanking us for all we have done. They have no idea what a blessing they are to us! Last, we handed out food bags to each of the ladies in the study.  Each bag had corn meal, protein powder, sugar, salt, rice, beans, spaghetti, oatmeal, soup, ramen noodles, cookies, marshmallow treats, toilet paper, and a dozen eggs. I have no idea how they carried those heavy bags all the way home! And their children were equally loaded down with all the crafts they had made, plus a new beanie baby. We also were able to leave behind an ample supply of medication for the clinic. The Lord has richly blessed and provided for all of the needs for His work here. I think we will all leave behind a piece of our hearts when we get on that plane.

We miss all of you back home. Your prayers have kept us safe, healthy, and encouraged. None of these things could have happened without the Lord using you to hold us up. Please continue praying that the Lord will continue the good work He has begun in this community.

Dawn Kemp

Monday, June 3, 2013

Medical Clinic and Ladies' Bible Study Day 1

Today was an amazing day!!  We began the day singing "How Great Thou Art" on the rooftop with a backdrop of blue skies, volcanoes, and a beautiful landscape surrounding us. We proceeded to the building where the preschool used to be held to operate the medical clinic.  People from all over the landfill and surrounding area come to be treated.  After each person is seen by a member of the medical staff, they have the opportunity for one of our team members to intercede on their behalf through prayer. This is one of my favorite times!  I have the privilege of being in the prayer room, and ministering to these precious people who struggle with day to day difficulties like you and me.  It is heart breaking to hear their stories and know you can't fix it.  However, my joy comes from knowing the One who can make all things knew..... and sharing this truth with each person I pray with.  I am humbled to know that God doesn't need me to be here, but He WANTS me to be here loving and encouraging His precious children!!

After we finish seeing patients at the clinic in the morning, we head to Pastor Saul's church for an afternoon with some AMAZING women studying God's word through inductive study. This year God provided, through His people, for 75 women to attend the study. Ten of the ladies are learning how to lead an inductive study so they can continue teaching women how to study God's word for themselves. It is AMAZING to see everything come together!!!  Seeing the hunger these ladies have for God's word is exciting!  
Lynn Staples

Please be in prayer for the following:
*the medicine we brought to go the distance needed
*endurance for our team
*people to see Jesus, not us, and realize how much He loves them
*Ricardo (22 year old man in prison) to receive Jesus and be bold for Christ in prison (I prayed with his mom, brother, and sister today and they are all Christ Followers.)
*Pedro.... Little boy with pneumonia... VERY sick... receiving breathing treatments from Dr. Layla at the church and getting antibiotic shots (hospital wouldn't take him because he wasn't dieing) his dad who is 83 and his mom are very worried about their son. Pray for peace for them. They are Christ followers.
*God to reveal more of Himself to the ladies in the bible study, and give them understanding of His word.

Sunday worship/home visits

Today we went to Pastor Saul's church to worship. It was really nice and Sidney translated for us. She and Carlos gave their testimony about the work they are doing in Costa Rica. Powerful work for God's kingdom!! After lunch, we went to the landfill to visit the people ( By the way men, the addition on the church in the landfill looks great!!) There were about 30 of us (counting Pastor Saul's family, translators etc!!) that divided into four groups. We got to visit about 15 houses and it was great! There was a lot of chatter, specific prayers, many photographs, and little trinkets given to the children. There was fun and laughter, serious conversation and tears. And yes, there was the joy of The Lord on many faces! But it is not easy to witness life on these terms. In our devotion time tonight, Dawn reminded us to not be discouraged nor dismayed but to remember Philippians 4:8..." Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." We were reminded that all of us are pressing toward the mark of Christ. We all have very different races to run, with different struggles for each one of us. It is our responsibility to help each other reach the finish line well. So, We will love the Lord God with all of our heart, soul and strength and we will love our neighbors as ourselves!!

Sue B.   6/2/13

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hospicio/leadership team day!!!

Today was a fun day! Most of the women went to Hospicio San Jose to spend time and play with the children who had different diseases, but they were so precious!!! There was this one girl whose name was Maria Fernanda who had cancer, she had the brightest smile and just melted my heart! Lynn, Debbie and Sydney went to speak to the women who are going to lead the 75 women we are going to  do Bible study with when we leave!! The women cried when they saw they they were receiving their very own Bibles!!!! Wow! We want to continue to thank everyone for your prayers! They are greatly appreciated! 
-Carla Wilson 06/01/13

We're here!

Praise God! We arrived safely and..double blessing, got to see the men's team on the way out! We did the first day errands And got our stuff ready for the week. It was great to see Pastor Saul and Edwin. And Sidney Eure Herrera and her sweet husband Carlos, joined us! Going to be a great week! Thank you guys for yours prayers...we appreciate and need them!! We are looking forward to watching God be God!!
-Sue Beard 5/31/13