Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guatemala Family Mission Trip Day 3: Monday, July 25, 2011

"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself.” Romans 15: 1-3

Today, we were His hands and feet. This morning, we went to the preschool to work with the kids to do arts and crafts, a story, and a snack. The kids were so excited to see us, and we were so excited to see them. They sang for us when we first arrived, and then our families went into the classrooms and started the love. We had such a great time loving on them and playing with them. The little children here are artists! They take great pride in their coloring. I met a little girl there, Zoe, who stole my heart. She would not let go of me. I have no idea what her home life is like, but I just held her and prayed for her. It was amazing to see the preschool that Lakewood supports. It's a wonderful place right across the street from the dump. The teachers are wonderful! They provide great instruction and hope for these children.

After a yummy lunch at Seteca, we changed and headed to the dump. The ladies planned to do VBS, and the men planned to install stoves in the homes of the dump. The shelter we went to do VBS in was filled with many happy children. I would be lying if I said I was not afraid of the dirtiness of the place and the people.  However, I said a prayer, and everyone started to relax and play. Anna was amazing in leading the children in a couple of songs. Then we moved into the story time. Alaina told the story of David and Goliath three times today with Elsa translating. The children showed respect and seemed to understand and enjoy it. After the story, the children played Duck, Duck, Goose. It was so neat to see that these children are just like mine. They like to play games, they love a snack, and they need love most of all. I do not know much Spanish, but I can speak love. I'm so proud of the dads and young men that installed the stoves. My son saw inside several homes today in the dump, and he will forever look at our home in a much different way. We are so richly blessed. Where much is given, much is expected.

Finally, we did the hardest mission thus far: the Neighbor Church. This is held at the preschool's courtyard every Monday night. Usually only the men of Lakewood go to this event, but we as families decided we would all go. There was someone at the locked door to let us in. I was overwhelmed by the smell of mineral spirits and glue. Robert had told us that this “neighbor” night consists of men that were high on glue, and they were definitely high. It was scary to say the least. I prayed open-eyed, "Lord give this place your grace and presence." There were little children there that we took upstairs and this was the third place sweet Alaina shared the story. After the story, six children accepted Christ!  We laid hands on them and prayed, “Praise You, Lord, for You are faithful to answer.” He answered my prayer. He showed himself in a mighty way in that scary place. I had no idea what was going on downstairs with the men, but we were shedding tears of joy upstairs.

I'm so thankful for this time to serve alongside my son and these families of Lakewood.

Jennifer Hicks

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