Blogs by students...
I was in the dump and I felt God calling me to go speak to these two young ladies in their home. I looked to the left for a translator, and couldn't find one, then looked back to my right and the translator was beside me. We went inside the home and started a conversation with the ladies. One was young with a baby, and I held her baby so she could get a break. I asked if there was anything that I could pray for, and she said that her husband beats her and is drunk most of the time. She looked for someone to turn to but couldn't find that person. I prayed healing over her and asked God to remove her from that situation. Afterwards I gave her a hug and the translator asked her about getting plugged into a church. As we walked outside Pastor Saul was right outside of her door, and he talked to her about coming to church. This experience taught me that praying for healing is so powerful and that God's timing is perfect.
~ Maddie Halstead
Second day going into the preschool, and I was just ready to see what the kids were going to do today. When I walked in and went over to my group of kids, immediately 7 or 8 kids came up and hugged me and wouldn't let go. All of them were yelling 'hold me' in Spanish. Then, I couldn't find the kid that I bonded with yesterday...then I saw him, he came over to me and I immediately picked him up. When I tried to put him down he wouldn't let go of my neck. Then we went up to the classroom and started doing our crafts and Daniel (my kid's name) wanted me to hold him the entire time. For the rest of the time while we were at the school he would get sad when I would try to put him down. I feel like he always wanted me to hold him because people don't love on him much at home. I think God put me in his life to love on him and just show God's grace to him.
~ Sam Simpson
Yesterday my group and I (pato group) went to the dump to lay cement floors. We broke into two smaller groups; one laid concrete and the other went door-to-door. We were welcomed into the third house by a woman and her daughter (Maria and Marisole). She immediately invited us to sit down which was an amazing honor. She began to tell us how she accepted Christ and soon after shared her testimony in the church that meets in the dump. A few weeks following she began to have a pain in the left side of her chest that she thought was the devil trying to attack her. We laid hands on her and her daughter and began to pray for God's strength and glory to fill her. It is amazing how whenever we are praying for them they automatically start praying for us. Her and her daughter began to cry with joy because 15 minutes earlier they were praying to God o send someone because they were so lonely. What a GODidence!!!!! (new word for coincidence)
~ Faith Willis
Today was our last day at Rayitos de Esperanza doing VBS for the little ninos. I was very excited to see three of the kids that I started relationships with yesterday, Joseph, Kevin, and Joseline. They were very happy to see me as well. We did the same thing that we did yesterday, teaching with music, a Bible story, pato pato gonzo (duck duck goose), and snacks. When it came time to say goodbye I was really torn up because of something Kevin was asking me in Spanish. I called Olivia, our translator, over to assist me in understanding what he was trying to say. He asked me if I was coming back tomorrow. It broke my heart to tell him no.
~ David Funk
All of the girls met on the first day so that Allie and Sara could give advice for the trip. They told me that I needed to see the unseen for my trip in Guatemala. During my quiet time the next day I was looking at random verses, and found the verse 2 Corinthians 4:18. This verse explains how God's people need to see the unseen. So, when we picked groups to share what happened during our quiet time I chose Sara's group. It just so happens that Sara had already picked that verse for me. Later that day when the girls were exchanging gifts, Sara had me and she wrote me a letter on her flight to Guatemala and she had already picked that verse for me. All I can say is God is amazing!
~ Misty Hamilton
I went to the malnutrition center today to hang out with the little children. This was my third time going and I hoped to see the same little fella that I've seen the past two years. At first I couldn't find him and still didn't see him after going into all of the rooms. Then, I was looking at the photos hanging on the wall and found him. I asked one of the ladies that work there where I can find him, and she took me to him. His name is Jose Luis, but goes by Luis because there are several children with that name. Luis has grown so much over the past 2 years. It makes me feel good knowing that he is being taken care of and God is providing for him at the Malnutrition Center. It was bittersweet seeing him knowing that he isn't completely healthy, but I really enjoyed spending time with him again. Saying goodbye was emotional, but I left with a sense of peace knowing that he is safe in that environment, and is getting the attention that he needs.
~ Layne Saliba
And layne Saliba is the coolesttttttttttt EVER!!!!!!!!!! :)
Last night the boys went to a service for men and a few woman who are addicted to glue. It was an overwhelming, breaking experience washing their hands and praying over them. The girls stayed back and just prayed for them and asked the lord for words for them. It was so powerful. The Holy Spirit's presence was so thick.
This morning I was reading in Exodus 15 the Israelites song of deliverance after they made it thought the Red Sea on dry land.
And verse 9 really gripped me...The enemy was boasting how he would plunder them and consume them, just like addictions consume and then verse 10 BUT by just the breath of the Lord all enemies are defeated. We serve a God who is a God of war and who wars on our behalf. How radical is that. What love! What power! What freedom we find in Him.
“The enemy boasted, ‘I will chase them and catch up with them. I will plunder them and consume them. I will flash my sword; my powerful hand will destroy them.’ But you blew with your breath, and the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters. “Who is like you among the gods, O LORD—glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders? You raised your right hand, and the earth swallowed our enemies. “With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed. In your might, you guide themto your sacred home. (Exodus 15:9-13)
~ Allie Pohlmeier
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Location:30 Calle,Guatemala City,Guatemala