3 years ago there was a baby a couple months old in the malnutrition called Gerson and his twin brother Andi when they got there they were both starving and very small. Gerson however had a birth mark on the whole right side of his face and it turned into a tumor that protruded about a quarter inch on the outside of his face it about took over his eye and he would have lost sight forever in that eye. The first time I went to Guatemala and saw him in the malnutrition I was scared to pick him up because he looked so fragile and in need of help so I stood beside his crib and prayed for him and I’ve been praying for two years and I’m still praying for him but now he has had surgery and the birthmark/ tumor is gone now the only thing that remains are vein marks but he is taking medicine for it and is completely healthy now thanks to Gods love. He now is around 3 and can’t only just walk but he can run now. God breaks me every time I pray for Guatemala because he is a light in the darkness and evil there because I know God will do great things through him in the future. Also in the lot we have been praying God would help us work there and he has because we now have a first floor to the preschool which is a blessing to see Gods work succeed there. God you are Awesome!!!
- Joshua Puckett, Junior at Chestatee High School

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