Thursday, May 31, 2012


Lynn began our day by sharing with us about Moses.  The scripture was from Exodus 33:11, and it says that Moses would go into the Tent of Meeting where the Lord would share with Moses face to face as a man speaks with his friend.  Lynn went on to share how Moses interceded on behalf of the Israelites after they had angered God.  Moses asked God to continue to go with them on their journey as they could not proceed without God.  God heard Moses and answered.  Today, Jesus is always with us and we all (as believers) can talk with Him and know that He hears and answers.  That is so powerful to know and believe that God hears our every prayer as we intercede for others.  As I was praying for a lady this week, God heavily impressed upon my heart that He was changing lives.  He told me that He has not brought us this far with all the prayer and preparations poured into this ministry for Him not to change lives miraculously.  We see Him working and bringing ladies in for prayer to hear from the Lord, have an encounter with him, and hear truth.  Through sickness, there are women coming to know the Lord and/or change their lives for His glory.  God uses what some see as bad to bring about good.  It is so very humbling to be here experiencing and witnessing the work of our Lord and Savior.  Today, we had a woman and her mother come into the clinic who know of Jesus, but are not ready to commit their lives to Him.  The daughter was late for work and her boss would not let her stay there so she came to our clinic instead.  Lynn told her boldly that she was right where God wanted her today, and that the reason she could not work was because she had an appointment with Jesus!  Her husband has been praying for her to accept Christ and sharing with her.  Please join us in prayer that she and her mother will choose Jesus.  This is just one of many stories where we see that God has been working and where He is using us as one of the links in chain to bring people to the fullness of Christ.  Our bible study with the women this afternoon focused on how we are to live for Christ from Ephesians 4.  God tells us to grow up in Him and not remain as children who can be tossed to and fro.  We must study and learn His word so that our light can shine brightly for Him.  Thank you for faithfully praying and following along on this journey.

Janet Roland

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