Yesterday afternoon each of our different groups was assigned either construction, evangelism, or VBS. I was in the Construction group. If I'm being truly honest my first thought was it would be super boring. It was quite the opposite though. We helped mix and transport concrete to a family's house to create a floor for their home. At first, all I was doing was shoveling gravel into buckets to be poured into the mixer then I got the opportunity to take one of the wheelbarrows to the house. Taking one of the wheelbarrows to the house changed my perspective completely. I saw the family and realized how something like a floor could drastically change the life of that family. From that point on I gladly shoveled the gravel. To see everyone working together to help this family was so amazing. When we finished we prayed for the family. It turns out only the grandfather was a Christian and when we asked what to pray about he said over and over again how he wanted his family to know Christ like he does. As we told the family why we were there and that we wanted to love others like Christ loves us their expression softened and it looked like they were thinking about it. Whether or not any of that family came to know Christ right there, a seed was planted. It excites me to think that our group, by helping them create a floor, may have changed that family's life in more than one way.
- Haley King
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