Monday, June 3, 2013

Medical Clinic and Ladies' Bible Study Day 1

Today was an amazing day!!  We began the day singing "How Great Thou Art" on the rooftop with a backdrop of blue skies, volcanoes, and a beautiful landscape surrounding us. We proceeded to the building where the preschool used to be held to operate the medical clinic.  People from all over the landfill and surrounding area come to be treated.  After each person is seen by a member of the medical staff, they have the opportunity for one of our team members to intercede on their behalf through prayer. This is one of my favorite times!  I have the privilege of being in the prayer room, and ministering to these precious people who struggle with day to day difficulties like you and me.  It is heart breaking to hear their stories and know you can't fix it.  However, my joy comes from knowing the One who can make all things knew..... and sharing this truth with each person I pray with.  I am humbled to know that God doesn't need me to be here, but He WANTS me to be here loving and encouraging His precious children!!

After we finish seeing patients at the clinic in the morning, we head to Pastor Saul's church for an afternoon with some AMAZING women studying God's word through inductive study. This year God provided, through His people, for 75 women to attend the study. Ten of the ladies are learning how to lead an inductive study so they can continue teaching women how to study God's word for themselves. It is AMAZING to see everything come together!!!  Seeing the hunger these ladies have for God's word is exciting!  
Lynn Staples

Please be in prayer for the following:
*the medicine we brought to go the distance needed
*endurance for our team
*people to see Jesus, not us, and realize how much He loves them
*Ricardo (22 year old man in prison) to receive Jesus and be bold for Christ in prison (I prayed with his mom, brother, and sister today and they are all Christ Followers.)
*Pedro.... Little boy with pneumonia... VERY sick... receiving breathing treatments from Dr. Layla at the church and getting antibiotic shots (hospital wouldn't take him because he wasn't dieing) his dad who is 83 and his mom are very worried about their son. Pray for peace for them. They are Christ followers.
*God to reveal more of Himself to the ladies in the bible study, and give them understanding of His word.

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