Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jesus is All We Need

My heart is full as I reflect on our day and on our trip thus far. I have seen The Lord answer prayers that are big and small and can't help but be reminded of His faithfulness and His perfect love for us. We started our day doing our final VBS at the school "Rayitos de Esperanza". This was a special time as we shared the story of Paul's conversion and the role Ananias' obedience played in his life and ultimately in the life of the church. Next, we walked to the courtyard for an assembly from the students and the staff. Seeing the children and staff members dance and sing will be a sight I will never forget. (As well as the memory of them asking us what dance we could do for them and the best we could come up with was the chicken dance...we were glad they gave us white Americans a break and left us off the assembly agenda)!

Later in the afternoon we traveled to an aids hospital where 70 children from birth to 17 years old live. These children either have HIV or were orphaned because their parents had HIV. Our team immediately began to love on the children by playing soccer, blowing bubbles, sharing bible stories about Daniel in the lions den and jumping rope with them. It took me a little while to connect with a child as the language barrier has been a discouragement to me at times. So I just started walking and praying for The Lord to direct my steps and show me who He wanted me to love on...He led me to Olga! Although Olga and I spoke very few words to each other we enjoyed laughter, smiles, hugs and high-fives through multiple games of tic-tac toe ( in which I lost the majority of the time). Olga asked me my name and even wanted to know how to spell it. Olga was an encouragement to me as she reminded me that all things are sacred in Christ and in all we do we should do it for The Lord; even a game of tic-tac toe with a beautiful girl named Olga. The Love of Christ can be seen in all things BIG and small.

We ended our night by celebrating one of our team members' (Lexi) 14th birthday with cake and ice cream and worshiping together thru music and devotion as a team. It was a sweet picture of the body of Christ coming together as one family to serve, love, worship and fellowship! 

This week two verses have really been on my heart. The first is Romans 5:3-5 "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Many times throughout this trip I have looked into the eyes of the people and felt discouraged because I didn't feel like I could do anything for them. I can't cure their addictions, I can't instantly take away their poverty or heal their sickness. BUT I know a Savior who can...and the hope I have in Him and His love I can share with these precious people. And that hope and truth does not put us to shame-it is life changing! 

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task The Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace" Acts 20:24. I am amazed by the believers in the landfill and those who serve there daily. They exemplify this verse. In the midst of dirt, trash, sickness, and poverty they are able to sing, dance, worship, pray, and share the gospel with others. They have Jesus and they truly believe that Jesus is all they need. The race they are running is one that will last throughout all eternity and one is which they will be richly blessed! 

I am forever grateful as I will always remember these people as I daily claim the truth that Jesus is all I need, He is enough in every circumstance, He is our only hope, and to love others because He first loved us.  For everyone at home who is praying, we are so very thankful and are feeling those prayers every day. 

Holli Howard

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