Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday Work

It's Monday evening, 8:45 and 38 folks are tired and ready for bed. Today, teams of believers led Bible schools, built roofs and installed stoves in makeshift homes at the dump. Most importantly, the gospel was shared with numerous Guatemalans, and three adults accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Tonight, a beans (that's black beans) and coffee church service was held for men who live in the city dump and struggle with addictions such as sniffing glue. It is humbling to experience a tiny snapshot of the conditions that so many of our fellow men and women endure.

A thought of pride towards our local youth: I've had the blessing of working with young people everyday for 26 years. Contrary to what the media tells us, this is an amazing generation with gifts and talents that are almost unlimited. The blessing of watching them step up and share their gifts and faith with "the least of these, our brethren" has been overwhelming.

Time to hit the rack. Tomorrow promises to be another busy day.

Will Schofield

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