Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We started this week seeking God's presence so He will guide our thoughts, actions, and hearts. I have felt God at work as our team has quickly bonded as one body of Christ. Our team consists of people at different ages and stages of life but two things in common: a love of Jesus and a desire to joyously serve the people of Guatemala. What a peaceful and beautiful experience.

On Monday morning we played with the preschoolers. It took some time, but we made some progress in communicating with the children. Turns out that making silly faces, tickling, and joking are a universal language! I will never forget watching Ross and Josh letting the boys literally crawl all over them on the floor - pretending some were bears and others tigers. These young boys crave older male companionship-that is clear. Madalyn has a knack for nurturing and connecting with the little girls-it takes only two seconds for a couple of girls to be attached to to her hips.

Fast forward to the evening church service which was attended by destitute, desperate, homeless men who are covered with grime and (many) addicted to glue. Madalyn sang "Break Every Chain" in Spanish and it was our collective prayer that God truly would break their chains so they can emerge as pillars of light in this dark community.

So, connecting the morning to the evening, it may seem somewhat meaningless to sing songs or do crafts with pre-schoolers. It is a nice way to brighten their days. But more importantly, it dawns on me that each moment spent in VBS with these small people diminishes the possibility that they will one day wind up addicted and desperate packed on the cement floor of that building begging for hope, food, prayer, and peace.

We will continue to make little investments in these precious children this week with an exciting vision around the corner of them moving to the new school building. These children deeply crave to be held tight, loved, and encouraged and we cannot think of any other place we'd rather be than right here doing God's work.

John 13:34-35 says, "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." The love I have seen extended from teammate to teammate, from the Guatemalans to our team, and from our team to the Guatemalans warms my heart and provides an eye-opening reminder of how God calls us to love. We are to love one another with joy.......regardless of our age, background, appearance, what our house looks like, what we do for a living, and even how we smell.

Karen Walters

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